
Site owner and editor

a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by the company JPS CONCEPT
62 Avenue Bernard Blua – ZA Saint-Claude – 83 990 Saint-Tropez
Phone: +33 4 94 19 95 63
Contact: communication@aaconceptstore.fr

SAS with capital of €10,000
SIREN: 898 331 830

Website Design and Development

Poisson Bouge
7, rue des Cadeniers – 44000 Nantes

Web hosting

Poisson Bouge
7, rue des Cadeniers – 44000 Nantes

Content of the Website

a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, disclaims any responsibility for possible inaccuracies, errors, or omissions regarding the information available on this website.

Copyright and Terms of Use

The website aaconceptstore-golfe-sttropez.fr is subject to copyright protection under Article L.111-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code. It is the exclusive property of a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT. All content – including texts, logos, scripts, images, icons, etc. – is protected by copyright. No part of this content may be copied, reproduced, distributed, modified, or transmitted (via download, email, or any other communication medium), even partially, without the express permission of a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, except as permitted under Article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. All photos on the website are protected by copyright and may not be used without authorization from a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT.

By using this website, users agree not to disrupt its operation through malicious actions against the site or the publisher (such as identity theft, address manipulation, or tampering with electronic identifiers). The information published on this site is not contractual. a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or omissions.
External links used on this site have all been authorized by their respective publishers. Therefore, it is prohibited to use these links without the express permission of the respective publishers.


The hyperlinks established on this website towards other sites on the internet do not engage the responsibility of a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, regarding their content, links, or terms of use (including personal data management). The possibility of creating simple hyperlinks to the website https://www.aaconceptstore-dracenie-provence.fr is subject to prior agreement from a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT. Any deep linking or use of “framing” techniques (displaying a page within a frame on another site) is prohibited.

Exemption from Technical Responsibility

a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, will make its best efforts to ensure the website aaconceptstore-golfe-sttropez.fr is accessible at all times. However, a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, disclaims all responsibility for any difficulties accessing the site or interruptions to the connection, regardless of the cause. Furthermore, a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, reserves the right to modify the site as it deems necessary, without prior notice, even if access to the site is interrupted as a result. Additionally, a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including site inaccessibility, data loss, damage, or destruction that may affect your computer equipment.

Personal data

No personal or nominative data is collected on this site. The information entered in the contact form and newsletter subscription is used solely for the purpose of recontacting the user who requested it. You can access, correct, delete, or limit the processing of your data by emailing communication@aaconceptstore.fr. In accordance with professional confidentiality, a&A Concept Store, a brand distributed by JPS CONCEPT, does not sell or lease personal information to any company or individual.

For more information about your rights, please visit cnil.fr.


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